Class A uniform for each officer
Provide each officer with 1 long sleeve formal dress uniform to be worn for court appearances, funerals and any formal event. Cost $300 each
Add to cart $300.00
Provide each officer with 1 long sleeve formal dress uniform to be worn for court appearances, funerals and any formal event. Cost $300 each
Add to cart $300.00To be used for search & Rescue, proactive patrol, traffic monitoring and aerial mapping. Cost approximately $9000
Add to cart $9,000.00Need to replace the vanity, fixtures and toilet in the locker area. Est. Cost $1000
Add to cart $1,000.00Heavy duty office chairs that accommodate gun belts and equipment while sitting at computer desks. Need 3 Cost $350 each
Add to cart $350.00This will be used mainly in darkness. Will allow officers to scan areas of town (Pinellas Trail, Golf Courses, side streets and parks) for the presence of people. Can be helpful for kids and elderly people who wander off in day or night. Cost $500
Add to cart $500.00Addition to our fleet for use in patrol, special event setup/break down, use during storms and storm clean up. Cost $40,000 ($25k for vehicle, $15k for radios, computer, lights and siren package)
Add to cart $40,000.00Need a new digital keypad safe to replace the dial style one for quick access to shotguns and less lethal shotgun. Cost $600
Add to cart $600.00Need 2 updated RADAR guns for speed detection Cost $1200 each
Add to cart $1,200.00Need 2 updated lasers for use in speed detection Cost $2000 each
Add to cart $2,000.00Replace the last 6 old radios with the new model. Already replaced all but 6 over the past 2 years. Each radio is $5000 each.
Add to cart $5,000.00Would be used to train and keep officers use of force/shooting skills sharp. We would also like to look at the feasibility to use the system to educate our citizens by allowing access to the system in controlled community outreach programs. Cost approximately $5000
Add to cart $5,000.00Require 18 lockers Replace old 1950 style metal lockers in the police locker room and add several so each officer has a locker. Each one Cost $850 each
Add to cart $850.00Pelican Flashlights (20) Each one costs $175 Includes base charger, light and battery and carry case. Flashlights are due to be upgraded to a newer model. Current ones are no longer being made but can be repurposed to be installed in each vehicle as a back-up light.
Add to cart $175.00Bullet Proof Vests (6) (Need 3 this year and 3 next year) Each one costs $2500 Includes the Ballistic Panels, and the Carrier that the panels slide into (looks like a uniform shirt).
Add to cart $2,500.00Copyright 2025 Belleair Community Foundation. Website Designed by KallistoTECH