Commission Meeting
Commission Meeting, The Belleair Community
At the May 18 Commission Meeting, the Belleair Community Foundation (BCF) presented two brand new trucks to the Belleair Police Department. They were able to present these trucks due to the largesse of Belleair resident, retired U.S. Army Colonel Arv Hickerson. The president of the BCF, Karla Rettstatt, presented the trucks to the town in front of a full house. Most of the BCF members were in attendance. Chief Rick Doyle presented Hickerson with a framed photo of the trucks signed by all the officers. Followed by a round of applause, Rettstatt said that the town is fortunate to have such a generous resident who over the years has donated $200,000. Most of the funds were used to enhance the BPD, but some were used for Hunter Memorial Park.

The New Belleair Police Department Pickup Truck presented by the Belleair Community Foundation made possible by a generous donation by resident Arv Hickerson.